Some of the world's greatest love stories and heart-eyes inducing romantic gestures lie between the well-read pages of books, and so the pressure's on when trying to plan a date for a special book-loving someone in your life.
While a night of fine dining at a restaurant is sure to impress, and night at the movies rarely fails, sometimes you want to go that extra mile to blow someone's socks off.
So here are five fun (and perhaps story-worthy!?) date ideas any book lovers would be sure to enjoy...
Watch movies adapted from your favourite books - and vote for which you prefer
The age old question: book or movie - which is better? If you're on the hunt for an at-home date for you and you bookworm lover, then a book-to-movie marathon is a simple but fun date idea for a cosy night in. Work together to figure out the differences between pages and screen, and decide which you preferred. Of course, don't forget the snacks too!
Show off your knowledge at a literary quiz night (or create your own!)
I've spent a number of evenings getting competitive at quiz nights surrounding my favourite fictional characters and worlds (hello Harry Potter and The Hunger Games), and I'm yet to be disappointed. So if you've found some book-loving matches on one of the many dating sites UK has to offer, why not whisk your special someone away for a night of literary quizzing, as they're bound to love it to? Top off the night some beers afterwards... hopefully celebratory ones!
Open up discussion by creating a book club for two
Decide on a book together than you feel you can both stick your noses into and get lost in. Get together each week (or perhaps even each evening!) to discuss how you're enjoying it so far, and even really dissect it all if that's what you enjoy. If your schedules differ massively or you read at a significantly different pace to one another, why not instead swap your favourite titles with one another and chat about those instead?
Head out for some window shopping (or a real splurge!) at a local bookshop
Your local area is sure to have at least one bookshop, so take your Surrey dating site date there for a romantic day of window shopping. Wander down the aisles of spines and point out your favourite titles to one another... You might find out have a mutual love of authors or genres! If you've got money to spare, treat yourself to a few titles to take home and get stuck into.
Keep it simple and spend the day together with your noses in a book
Sometimes, simpler is better. Whether you get cosy in a coffee shop or snuggle up in the comfort of your own bed, spend a chilled out day with your loved one, lost in the pages of a fantasy world. There's something incredibly lovely about being able to be entirely content in each other's company, even if in silence.